
United Nations Peacekeeping

In 2000, the United Nations, through the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), continued to coordinate humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors to alleviate human suffering in disasters and emergencies, promote preparedness and prevention, and facilitate sustainable solutions. OCHA’s advocacy efforts aimed to help guarantee the protection of civilians in […]

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Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness

Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness shows how crisis communication plans and efforts for complex and challenging issues benefit when academic perspectives are connected with practitioner experiences. The book brings crisis and public relations scholars together with practicing professionals to integrate academic theories and research with the knowledge and lessons learned on the frontlines of crisis communication

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The United States Secretary of State, Colin Powell, on 9 September 2004 declared “that genocide has occurred in Darfur and that the government of Sudan and the Janjaweed bear responsibility, and that genocide may still be continuing.” The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, by unanimous vote on 23 July 2004, declared “that the atrocities