Rohingya Crisis Research

Two books were published on January 2021 and August 2022. The Rohingya Crisis: Analyses, Responses, and Peacebuilding Avenues. Publisher: Lexington: US

Hate, Violent Extremism, and Counter-Radicalization 

Community-Focused Counter-Radicalization and Counter-Terrorism Projects: Experiences and Lessons Learned, a book by Kawser Ahmed, Patrick Belanger, and Susan Szmania. Lexington Books. 

Youth Extremism and Radicalization in Bangladesh 

Forthcoming book chapter titled: The Changing Landscape of Violent Extremism (VE) in Bangladesh: A View from the Mezzanine at The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems, edited by  Rajendra Baikady, Sajid SM, Jaroslaw Przeperski, Varoshini Nadesan, M Rezaul Islam and Gao Jianguo.

United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

A book chapter on Western Sahara and MINURSO in the ‘Peace Issues in the 21st Century Global Context’, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.

Keeping Peace in a Turbulent World: Reflections from the Fiels was published by CSP on November 2023.

Education in Emergencies for the Displaced Adolescents in Refugee Camps

A book chapter on Rohingya children education in camps is available


Refugee and Underemployed Immigrants

Peacebuilding social enterprise workshops

Microfinance and microcredit for poverty alleviation

Peacebuilding social entrepreneurships

Child Protection, Youth, Adolescent, Women

Cyber-safe children, protection

Anti-radicalism research

Multicultural Literacy

Multifaith dialogue

Well-being Projects

Assisted death social conscientization

Recreational marijuana abuse prevention

Youth immobility, obesity and internet

Advocacy: fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD