Rotary Peace Day Events (Anti Racism, reconciliation)

23 videos found
Messy Conversation, Peace Days Event-2021
On April 11th, 2021 Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) hosted a webinar ...
BLM Movement and Race Relations in Canada
On June 26th, 2020, the Conflict and Resilience Research Institute (CRRIC) hosted a webinar on ...
CRRIC Rotary Peace Days 2020 event #1
On September 12th, 2020 Conflict and Resilience Research Institute (CRRIC) held a webinar ...
CRRIC & RCWPC Webinar#1 on City of Wpg Anti-Racism Week
On March 20th, 2020, Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) hosted a webinar ...
CRRIC & RCWPC Webinar#2 on City of Wpg Anti-Racism Week
On March 26th, 2021, Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) and the Rotary ...
CRRIC & RCWPC Webinar#3 on City of Wpg Anti-Racism Week
On March 26th, 2021, Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) hosted a joint ...
CRRIC & RCWPC Webinar#4 on City of Wpg Anti-Racism Week
On March 27th, 2021, Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) hosted a joint ...
Reconciling Past and Present: Lessons from TRC (Rotary Peace Fellows Event)The Cure for Hate
On June 4th, 2021, the Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) together with ...
Re-Centring Reconciliation
On August 16th, 2021, the Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) hosted a ...
The Forgiveness Project (Rise Above for Peace Event-2021)
On September 14th 2021, the Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada ( CRRIC) hosted ...
Rise above for peace- the Cure for Hate
On September 19th 2021, the Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada ( CRRIC) hosted ...
Rise above for Peace event – Women Empowerment
On September 22nd 2021, the Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) hosted ...