
Stephanie Stobbe is an Associate Professor and Chair of Conflict Resolution Studies at Menno Simons College (a College of Canadian Mennonite University) at the University of Winnipeg.

Stephanie Stobbe, is an active educator, trainer, and ADR practitioner, she has worked and conducted research in Canada, United States, South America, Europe, India, and Asia. As part of an American Bar Association team of experts, Stephanie discussed “Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding: Implementing the Secretary-General’s Report on Women’s Participation in Peacebuilding” and provided recommendations to the United Nations Development Programme, Peacebuilding Support Office as they address UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1889. She also served as a Visiting Professor/Researcher at the Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution at the University of Hawaii.

Stephanie has been invited to work with local citizens to develop the first conflict resolution and peacebuilding program in Laos, and to conduct research on traditional mediation processes and conflict resolution rituals. She has also co-facilitated a series of seminars and workshops for political leaders, NGOs, and civil society in Myanmar (Burma) on institutional designs in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and reconciliation. More recently, she was invited to work with the Thai Ministry of Justice directors and staff on cross-cultural conflict resolution, mediation, and community justice programs.

Stephanie’s recent books include Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in Laos: Perspective for Today’s World (2015) and Conflict Resolution in Asia: Mediation and Other Cultural Models (2018). Currently, she serves as Lexington Publishing Series Book Editor for Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in Asia. Another area of her research focuses on refugees and forced migration. In 2016, Stephanie chaired CARFMS 9th Annual Conference on Freedom of Movement of refugees and forced migrants that brought 350 participants from over 20 countries. Her current national and international research projects include conducting oral histories of former refugees from Southeast Asia and their resettlement and settlement journeys and integration; and examining European and international policies and their impact on refugees and forced migrants fleeing to Europe. In 2019, Stephanie was awarded a Fellow of McLaughlin College at York University for her work in conflict resolution and peacebuilding, and on refugees, and in 2020 she was invited to serve on the Expert Advisory Board of the new Centre for Asia Pacific Refugee Studies at Auckland University in New Zealand. She is President of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS). Stephanie is also active on the ADR Institute of Manitoba Board and ADR Institute of Canada.
She is an expert in conflict resolution and her recent work showcases national travelling exhibition of the refugee and displaced, Check out for the details here: