Mr. Omar Martín Tejada Pérez is an International Security Specialist (MA International Security Studies) with extensive international

Mr. Omar Martín Tejada Pérez is an International Security Specialist (MA International Security Studies) with extensive international experience, especially focused in Africa (South Sudan) and America (Argentina, Peru, Haiti, and the USA); he is a retired Marine Officer of the Peruvian Navy with more than twenty years of service interacting with senior government officials, foreign military and humanitarian officers from different organizations; has attended national and international Military Commanders’ meetings, Strategic and Operational planning conferences, civil-military coordination meetings, among others decision-making events mostly related to security, operations, logistics and humanitarian issues; has experience in peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, electoral support operations, promotion of gender equality, border security, protection of civilians and also counterinsurgency and counternarcotic operations; has delivered classes and lectures to different audiences at places like the Peruvian Navy, the Peruvian Peacekeeping Centre (CECOPAZ), the Peruvian Joint Staff College, the United States Marine Corps, the United Nations´ Department of Peace Operations, the 25th Annual Conference of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres (IAPTC), the New School University in New York, the University of Los Andes in Colombia, the Colombian Army War College, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), among other institutions; has also published several professional papers and has worked as a freelance consultant for the Peruvian Joined Command of the Armed Forces. He is a former peacekeeper of the United Nations.

He looks after the UNPKO related CRRIC research portfolio.