About us

Nature Triggered Emergency Response in Domestic Operations (NERDO) is a program by Canadian Defense and Security Network (CDSN) in partnership with CRRIC. The program aims to strengthen the foundation of Nature Triggered Emergency Response in Domestic Operations through collaboration with academia and other experts for evidenced-based policymaking.

As the Nature triggered events are increasing with time due to climate change and human activities. The aggressiveness of Nature can be seen by the past few evens where nature triggered catastrophes breaking the previous records. Preparedness is the key to minimize the impact of these catastrophes. As these events overwhelms the capacity of a certain area for which external resources are required to mobilize. Military resources and assistance have been mobilized during catastrophic events by many governments around the world and it is an increasing practice with time as the events are more frequent.

Canadian Defence and Security Network (CDSN) has been assigned for the implementation for this project and Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) is working on the Nature Triggered events and role of Defense forces which is component of MINDS project as a partner of CDSN in Collaboration with University of Manitoba and York University.


Our mission is to create evidence for policy making though Collaborative approach in Canadian Context for the Nature Triggered events and strengthen the foundation of Multi Stakeholder Approach.


Our vision to play a role in the policy- and decision-making process in order to strengthen the Emergency response process in Canada.